Winter Break is Over…

So I still have not leaned my lesson about backing up all  my files to multiple places. For Christmas, I bought/was gifted a very new, very fancy, very EXPENSIVE Lenovo Yoga 710 laptop. I’ve had it for maybe two months, and ya know what happened… THE MOTHERBOARD FREAKING DIED!!!!!!! It died over break, a few short days before I had to go back to school. After a extremely long and not super pleasant conversation (which mostly consisted of being on hold) I took it in to Best Buy to get it looked at and see what my options were. They are not great. And, I still haven’t been able to even try to get the information off of it because it has a stupid special tiny hard drive that not even Best Buy’s own Geek Squad has the compatible hardware for. So that’s great. But probably what is most upsetting is that I put a bunch of cool stickers on my laptop which have now gone to waste.2017-01-04-12-40-02

Oh, how was my break, you ask? My break was splendid. Visited some old friends. Hung out with my lovely family before they all left for New Zealand after Christmas (with out ME I might add, since I had to go back to school before they planned to return but I’m not bitter or anything). Luckily, I didn’t have to spend New Year’s alone! The family of my charming boyfriend (yep… I have a boyfriend) let me stay with them for the week before school started! They were so nice and fed me a TON of food! And we went hiking on New Year’s day!
2017-01-01-11-01-07Also, before Christmas, I painted a table and chairs set for someone and they gave me money!!! You can look at it on my website: (Also follow me on facebook hahaha. But I’m kinda serious. I even put a link).

Unfortunately, I am now back at school. Sigh… Tomorrow is the first day of classes. Yaaaaaaay.


It’s been a ling while blah blah blah

Spring break was nice. I didn’t do much. Some gymnastics practice at my home gym and I got to see my lovely teammates 🙂 I also ate a lot of real food.

Now we’re back! Actually, we’ve been back for almost two weeks. I had intended to post when I got back but, well… I didn’t. Anyway! Here’s what’s been going down!

Studio wise: We’re finishing up our second project, which is to create two transitional spaces that evoke certain feelings and then build a model of it and a presentation board that explains everything. I will post my board along with my model so I don’t have to explain anything.

(here is said board)


Here is a plan view of my model:


What else… Oh our home meet was last weekend and I won everything! haha! Just kidding I got fourth place on vault but I got first on bars, beam, floor, and all-around. The best part was, instead of medals, we got cookies!


Also, I am watching (actually I finished watching) this new series on Netflix called Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt” and it’s super funny!

If you haven’t noticed already, this semester has been way busier than last semester.

But to be honest, most of my free nights are spent watching TV and playing the ukulele.

College, Round Two

Hi internet! Happy various holidays, including (but not limited to) Hanukkah, Christmas, Boxing Day, Kwanza, and New Years! I am back and classes start on Monday. So there’s that.

How was my break you ask? Let’s see… IT WAS WONDERFUL!

It’s great to not have anything to do for three weeks. Although, I also realized that I had no idea what to do. For the first few days, I basically wandered around my house, watched Netflix, and ate. Then my mom said something along the lines of, “You know I love having you around all the time but I think you should really go to gymnastics practice.” Gee thanks, mom. So I went to practice a decent amount and I enjoyed it quite a bit. (Shout out to my awesome teammates and coaches for putting up with me over break! I miss you all so very much! 🙂 ) Nothing all that eventful happened otherwise. It was nice just to be home (Shout out to the fam!)

And now here I am. Back in my dorm room, enjoying my last, fleeting moments of freedom.

Not much else to say, but please enjoy this pun that I made up today:

When asked if lettuce wanted a body, it said, “I’ll just romaine a head”!


Also, this pun that I made up during the soils final:

What does an introvert soils scientist say?

Leave me a-loam (loam is like a kind/texture of soil)


One More Week! (And a little bit more)

Today starts the final week of classes. That’s pretty crazy. I’m very excited to be almost done with my first semester of college ever. It’s sort of unreal in a way, because I still don’t feel like I should be allowed to be responsible for myself. I mean, the other morning I sat on the floor for ten minutes, debating on whether I should wear my rain jacket or my winter coat. But, at least I can do my own laundry now!


A studio update!

We are working on our final project, which is a presentation “board” with some of our work from the semester. The photos have to be arranged in some kind of way that they make sense and has a nice “flow.” The hand drawn layout is due today. The during class, we are learning InDesign, which is an Adobe program that I suspect is for making posters.


The layout for my board. It’s really messy, but that’s ok. I am titling it, “I Waste So Much Trace” (like trace paper). It’s catchy.

What else…

We finished decorating our room, and I must say, it looks pretty classy.


The snowflakes on the left wall are post-it notes

Here it with the lights off.


And another thing. The crows have come to roost. There is a length of Shortlidge (which I still don’t know how to spell correctly) where the sidewalk is covered in so much bird poop-splatter that it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. I guess the crows have fancied this row of trees next to the sidewalk for their nightly rest. And it’s not just a few crows–It’s like hundreds. They just sit there in huge, dense masses, waiting for innocent pedestrians. You think I’m making this up, but it’s real. I was walking down this section of the sidewalk and I could hear the birds doing their thing. Every night. Poop is raining from the sky.

I would’ve taken a picture but I don’t think it would be as appreciated a one of Pollock’s works so I’ll use it as a stand-in.

Number 8, 1949

The accuracy of this to the sidewalk is incredible though.


Aaand We’re Back

Well, I’m back. (From break that is). And, oh joy, classes start up again tomorrow. So that’s fun. Just a quick thing: I updated my post about thanksgiving. The post with the cool video that you should watch.

Anyway. I guess there isn’t all that much to say. All the snow has melted which makes me sad because I was actually looking forward to walking to class in the snow. I know I could spend this extra time I have doing homework or something, but as per usual, I’m procrastinating.

Today, my roommate and I started decorating our dorm (Whilst listening to festive music, of course) to get our dorm into the Christmas spirit! Here is a lovely picture of our progress:


Unfortunately our dorm is still hesitant to make us feel warm in cozy because right now it is freezing in here (figuratively speaking). But seriously. We were told-really we heard rumors-that the head would come on after Thanksgiving break. That was apparently was a lie. To sum up with a Spongebob reference (and because there is always a good time for a Spongebob reference):

HAHA! It’s funny because it’s true.

Also, I noticed that at the bottom middle edge of the picture of my dorm, there are two fuzzy white blobs. I realized that they look like giant cotton balls out of context, but they are actually the tops of my new snow boots!

That is all.


The Obligatory Thanksgiving Post

So Happy Thanksgiving everybody!


Too lazy to write anything about it at the moment and will get to it later (Bottom line: It was delicious). But for now, here is a short, incredibly choppy stop-action animation of my family setting up the table for Thanksgiving dinner whilst also eating all the black olives.

IMG_5495Look! I finally got around to writing something slightly more descriptive about my Thanksgiving break! I went home on Friday and spent time with my lovely family. I made muffins and ate real food which was pretty exciting. I also played guitar a lot and practiced some new songs (including the theme song from the NBC TV show Community). On Wednesday, we went up to State College for Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandparents’ house which was super delicious!!! Basically, the entire time at their house was spent eating various sort of large portions of food. We had the whole turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes (and obligatory peas) deal on Thursday. Friday was a Ziti, sausage, and home made tomato sauce thing, and Saturday we had ham an broccoli and sweet potato casserole. This is really the best thing one could possibly do on Thanksgiving break. However, I’m a little worried I’ll be suffering withdraw from not eating as much food anymore. Oh, and here (still) is my lovely stop-action animation.

*DISCLAIMER* This music was free/royalty free music from It was not created by me*